About Me

Yes, I titled this blog after The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Because I loved that book and really identified with it. I need to read that again, in fact…
Anyway! My name is Amanda (as you can see in my username) and I am a twenty-something who loves to dance (ditto) and write (as you can see in my subtitle). But alas, I must presently work at a “real job” to continue feeding myself. I am a completely ridiculous human being with, I think, a good (if odd, irreverent, and sometimes obscene) sense of humor. Very little in life is sacred to me, so if you can’t laugh at yourself get the fuck off my page. šŸ™‚

12 Responses to About Me

  1. alleviatinganxiety says:

    I really love reading your blog, your post are all very vibrant with a lot of humor added into them and it makes me happy to know that someone dealing with a learning disability has such a positive attitude and makes the best out of your situation. So I would like to nominate you for a Liebster award which is posted on peoples blogs when they are nominated by others. If you are interested and want to find out more what to do, you can go to this link and answer my questions http://alleviatinganxiety.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/liebster-award/ I would love to hear your answers!

    • Do I really come across as having a learning disability? I know I joke about ADHD, but other than random bursts of it as a medicinal side-effect or the natural result of a boring day job, I don’t actually have ADHD. I do have social anxiety disorder, PMDD, and several other quirky medical conditions, but as far as I know none of them affect my capability to learn.
      Not that there’s anything wrong with having a learning disability; I just don’t want you to mistakenly think that I have one and have overcome it somehow. That is giving me entirely too much credit.

  2. 90vinitablog says:

    I am nominating you for Sunshine and versatile award . As your posts are filled with random ideas which comes out of no where . And i start pondering , how come such a thing can click someone? So here you go with my nomination

  3. Sweet! I worked on Perks as an assistant location manager. Stephen Chbosky directed the film and he’s a really nice guy. Hope you enjoyed the movie, although the book is always better.

    • Cool! I haven’t actually seen the movie yet, but I did get around to reading the book again. I think it’ll be a while before I’m emotionally ready for the movie. I have to be in the right place for a story like that.

      • Yeah, I could understand that. It covers a lot of heavy topics. If / when you’re ever up for it, I think you’ll find the movie turned out well. It was by far my favorite project to work on. The cast and crew had a lot of fun working together. Sweet.

What do you think?